MindWell TM   by CML

MindWell TM  fosters well-being through providing access to competent and compassionate mental health professionals so you can live well.   You can now reach out to a mental health professional anytime, anywhere!

You can visit any of our clinic locations nationwide or have your mental health consultations and/or sessions online, through a landline number, or mobile number, using our user-friendly platforms that are DPA and HIPAA compliant.  Your consultations and/or sessions are with certified, licensed, and trained mental health professionals who work with supervision, peer conferencing, and post session evaluations so you can be sure to experience quality mental health support you need and deserve!  

Experience  our generative, holistic, integrated, programmatic, and systematic approaches to well-being and let us equip you to recover well, improve your quality of life, and strengthen your resilience - as  an individual, family, or an organisation.   

Our Team

Partner Professionals and Community Volunteers
Our mental health professionals are composed of certified, licensed, and trained individuals  who believe that mental health support must be accessible to all and is a basic human right to preserve human dignity.  

ICF Credentialed and Trained Well-being Coaches

Our coaches follow the international golden standard of coaching by the International Coaches Federation (ICF) and are supervised by the ICF Credentialed Coaches led by the only ICF coach-mentor in the Philippines, Michael Lu.  

PRC Licensed Professionals (Counselors, Psychometricians, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Doctors)

Our counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychometricians are licensed through the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) with international certifications in their respective specialization.  Theoretical foundations and practice are ensured and reflected in their credentials as professors and practitioners in the field.  

Trained Mental Health Professionals

Our trained mental health professionals specialize in psychological crisis intervention and management, support for inclusive education and workplace, and a wide range of care management for children, adolescents, adults, and elders.   


Make your well-being count.  Because it does.

Be part of our growing community advocating well-being for individuals, families, communities, and organizations.

CML stands for Centre for Mastery and Life-long learning.  

We believe in that self-actualization 

is achieved through mastery of self

and accomplished 

through making a positive contribution

in the quality of life of others. 

Who We Are Join Our Team Be Our Partner